Keeping yourself removed from recent media reports on, stock market performance, political issues, and other ‘news-worthy’ stories might be best. Media hype exposure can negatively impact the American public and their investment decisions. During the last recessionary period, the media’s reporting caused widespread panic as millions of Americans. Many chose to liquidate their accounts out of fear of ‘losing their money.’
After the financial crisis, many Americans re-examined how and why they were investing. It was clear to many investors that have all of their wealth tied to the stock market proved to be more destructive than having alternative investments. This period was unfortunate if an investor needed to liquidate their investments during a low-valuation period and were only invested in intangible investments in the public markets. However, there were investors, the High Net worth (HNW) investors, which fared better than the others. In this article, we examine a wealth preservation technique utilized by many portfolios.