How We Can Help
At Gal Financial we want you to feel SECURE about retirement. You want certainty around your retirement plans. The problem is a lack of knowledge to put a proper plan in place, which makes you feel anxious.
We believe clergy who spend their lives serving others deserve a secure retirement. We understand the unique challenges clergy face when it comes to saving and planning for retirement. This is why we have been able to help hundreds of clergy and lay maximize unique tax advantages, create sustainable retirement income, and limit market risk.

Retirement Planning
No matter where you are in life, we can provide you the guidance, tools, and services to help prepare for retirement on your terms.
Income Strategies
Learn about income strategies for guaranteed lifetime income that can help you maintain your lifestyle now and in retirement.
Insurance Reviews
Life can change – the birth of a child, the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, a major purchase – which will readjust your customized strategy.
Are you in or near retirement? Learn how annuities can help generate a reliable stream of income or increase your current savings.
Life Insurance
A reliable insurance strategy could help protect you and your family from the financial consequences of major life events.
Social Security Optimization
We can help you understand your Social Security benefits and educate you on how you can maximize those retirement benefits.
Tax Planning
Understanding how tax strategies are used to manage your tax bill should be a major part of any reliable financial approach.
Money Management
One of the keys to a reliable financial strategy is spending less than you take in, and then finding a way to put your excess to work.
Long-Term Care
Chances are you could live well into your 80s and 90s, or longer. A long life greatly increases the likelihood you’ll require long-term health care.
Financial Education Courses
I’m an instructor with Adult Financial Education Services (AFES), specializing in planning and guidance for those who are seeking a better lifestyle and a guaranteed income in retirement.
Lifestyle Planning
Lifestyle matters look at how to balance work and leisure efficiently, how to make smart choices for the future, as well as many other items regarding how to help you enjoy the journey.
Housing Allowance for Ministers
Learn how to preserve your housing allowance with IRS code 107. Create lifelong security for you and your family while you are working and even after you retire.